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Jeff Lebowski 09-04-2008 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by scottie (Post 261564)
I think it has something to do with the fact that Waters deleted KneeJerk's posts in this thread.

Or made them invisible.

creekster 09-05-2008 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by Cali Coug (Post 261512)
Why is it curious to ask what she did as mayor? How many times did the Republicans trot out her time spent as mayor as experience that qualifies her for the presidency? If Republicans are going to play that card, then don't be surprised if people ask exactly what the experience entailed. She compared it to community organizer as a political cheap shot. I don't get the feeling that she intended the comparison to actually be a real comparison of duties. If it was, it was without substance.

SO you heard her compare it to a community organizer but because of the poke at the end you chose to ignore it as a cheap shot. OK. As you must agree, she was a mayor, and she fulfilled the duties. If you are so worked up about it, you can find the duties on line. Do you really contend that you have no idea what she did or that you even care? If this is the lynch pin for your assessment of her, I encourage you to look it up. The problem is that your comments here are also nothing more than political cheap shots, and you know it. Does her time as mayor prepare her to be vp/president? Perhaps, and certainly as much or more as being community organizer does, which I think is her point, and the point you keep ignoring. At least a mayor is elected (more than once in her case) and not just some sort of self-appointed title that one assumes.


I did notice her base hasn't objected to any failings about her candidacy. You don't seem to mind, because you note that she is just going to be the VP who, in your words, "does pretty much nothing." What if she becomes president? Seriously? What do you know about her positions? I find it remarkable I have asked this question multiple times in multiple threads with nobody even attempting an answer. Do you want to take a shot at it? Feel free.
As you know, because I can tell you have good reading skills, my comment about the lack of a VP job description was in response to the great alarm you expressed that she was unable to define the VP's duties. That is not consequential, which is a point you apparently conceded here.

Do I know as much about her as I do about the other three? No. But it might help if the media (and I blame the media and not the dems, really) would spend some time analyzing her record as governor or even as mayor of tidy little Wasilla rahter than bleat on incessantly about her pregnant daughter. Her lack of experience concerns me, at least in areas of foreign policy. But so does Obamas and his lack of experience will be felt immediately and will not require his running mate's death to start affecting my life. SO it is a bit of a more immediate concern.


We have about 9 weeks to go until election day. McCain has now spent 1 of those weeks sheltering Palin from all media interviews, and we know as little today about her policy positions as we did when she was announced. We know more about her family life, but I just don't care about that.
I care about her family life, at some level. Character does matter to me. Likje you, I also lament the lack of knowledge about her positions, but am certain that part of the reason is because she simply doesn't have positions on all national issues because she didn't expect to need to have them at this point. IOW, you can assume that on those topics her positions will pretty much be McCain's positions. It would not surprise me if you would find yourself disagreeing with those, btw.

ute4ever 09-05-2008 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by scottie (Post 261458)
Is page 14 of this thread "hidden" for anyone else besides me? When I click on "14" I get sent back to page 13.

I have my settings on 40 posts per page. Presently there are 5 pages but clicking on the "5" takes me to "4".

YOhio 09-05-2008 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Cali Coug (Post 261883)
I honestly thought people cared about issues and policies today. To hear someone like you, who I consider to be intelligent, indicate that you are good enough with Palin's character that you are willing to overlook the void of information available about her positions (not because those positions aren't easily obtainable, but because YOU think she hasn't even formed them yet) and vote for her as part of the McCain ticket is shameful.

Pack yer' bags creek. Cali's taking you on a guilt trip.

Tex 09-05-2008 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by YOhio (Post 261890)
Pack yer' bags creek. Cali's taking you on a guilt trip.

Sign me up. I've already learned today that I have no conscience and now I don't care.

The only true caring, conscientious Americans are the Disciples of the Obamessiah.

il Padrino Ute 09-05-2008 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by Cali Coug (Post 261883)
It was a cheap shot. Both of us know it, so I don't know why you are pretending otherwise. Are you trying to convince yourself? From someone who has spent some time arguing with you, I will let you know that you are probably not going to succeed in persuading yourself.

She was a mayor. Do I know that she "fulfilled the duties?" No, I don't know that. She was apparently almost recalled by the city council due to her attempt to fire the librarian (of all people) for refusing to ban certain books from the city library (is this 1942?). These comments aren't political cheap shots. This woman is standing up to be the vice-president of the US, and she is using her experience as mayor to bolster the argument that she is prepared to be VP. You want to blame the media for not filling us in more on what she did as mayor? Really? Is it the media's fault that she hasn't been available for a single major interview in over a week? It must be. I wish they would just force her to sit down and answer questions. I blame them.

I don't know what she did as mayor. I have tried to look it up. Thus far, I have found that she took the city from a surplus to a $22 million deficit, which I have already discussed in another thread. I have found the job description online (it notes that the position is largely ceremonial and gives few other details, other than the position is part-time). The information isn't out there, and she isnt providing any. She isn't talking to anyone other than supporters at rallies who can't ask questions. Then she says she will tell us about what she did, and instead just takes one of many jabs at the opposition. And you are fine with all of this. Is her time comparable to Obama's time as a community organizer? How do I know? How do you? If it is, Republicans clearly don't think Obama's time as a community organizer is worth anything, so she should hang her hat on something else.

It isn't ok that she is unaware of what the VP does. It is downright embarrassing. It is part of a culture in the US that remains somehow blissfully unaware of the role of the branches of the government and the duties of the officers within the government. The VP has limited official roles under the Constitution. She ought to at least understand those. Cheney has transformed the role of VP under Bush. It would be great if she knew that too.

Do I know as much about her as I do about the other three? No. But it might help if the media (and I blame the media and not the dems, really) would spend some time analyzing her record as governor or even as mayor of tidy little Wasilla rahter than bleat on incessantly about her pregnant daughter. Her lack of experience concerns me, at least in areas of foreign policy. But so does Obamas and his lack of experience will be felt immediately and will not require his running mate's death to start affecting my life. SO it is a bit of a more immediate concern.

You "are certain that prat of the reason is because she simply doesn't have positions on all national issues?" And you are ok with that? I imagine YOU have positions on the major national issues. I certainly do. I definitely expect a serious candidate for the vice-presidency to have positions, rather than to blithely adopt those of someone else for no other reason than the person seems to think you would make a good VP. You aren't helping her cause here. You are putting nails in the coffin.

I honestly thought people cared about issues and policies today. To hear someone like you, who I consider to be intelligent, indicate that you are good enough with Palin's character that you are willing to overlook the void of information available about her positions (not because those positions aren't easily obtainable, but because YOU think she hasn't even formed them yet) and vote for her as part of the McCain ticket is shameful.


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