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ute4ever 12-14-2005 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by non sequitur
I in no way have a man crush on Jake Gyllenhaal. I do not find his boyish charm or his haunting sad eyes at all appealing in a sexual way. I'm no bronc buster.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...


bigpiney 12-14-2005 10:26 PM

non sequitur, i'm sorry but

fusnik11 12-14-2005 10:30 PM

oh shit.....

thats hilarious....

freaking hilarious.

hilarious enough to swear in response.

non sequitur 12-16-2005 04:55 AM

I thought it appropriate to debut my new avatar in this thread. For those that mock me, I defy you to look away from the icon. You want to look away, but you can't. Go ahead, try. 8)

Indy Coug 12-16-2005 05:41 AM

One day I got on the usual bus, and when I stepped in, I saw the most gorgeous blond Chinese girl...I sat beside her. I said, "Hi," and she said, "Hi," and then I said, "Nice day, isn't it?," and she said, "I saw my analyst today and he says I have a problem." So I asked, "What's the problem?" She replied, "I can't tell you. I don't even know you..." I said, "Well sometimes it's good to tell your problems to a perfect stranger on a bus." So she said, "Well, my analyst said I'm a nymphomaniac and I only like Jewish the way, my name is Dennis." I said, "Hello, Dennis. My name is Bucky Goldstein..."

JohnnyLingo 12-16-2005 02:33 PM

Okay, so fus... if you don't feel homosexuality is any worse than adultery or premarital sex, why the rush to see Brokeback? Do you feel an urge to watch every movie that portrays sex outside the bonds of marriage?

Not that I agree with you on that point, however. If you define homosexuality as someone acting upon homosexual urges, than it's definitely worse than just premarital sex. Not only is it engaging in sexual behavior outside of marriage, but it's also mocking the natural order God has set up in relation to intimate activity between two of His children.

But of course, you're becoming more and more disaffected with His church, so maybe you don't even care.

fusnik11 12-16-2005 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyLingo
Okay, so fus... if you don't feel homosexuality is any worse than adultery or premarital sex, why the rush to see Brokeback? Do you feel an urge to watch every movie that portrays sex outside the bonds of marriage?

Not that I agree with you on that point, however. If you define homosexuality as someone acting upon homosexual urges, than it's definitely worse than just premarital sex. Not only is it engaging in sexual behavior outside of marriage, but it's also mocking the natural order God has set up in relation to intimate activity between two of His children.

But of course, you're becoming more and more disaffected with His church, so maybe you don't even care.

no i just want to see the show. call me sick, call me disaffected, call it a desire to see two a-list hollywood actors make out, call it what you want but i would like to see the film.

sexual behavior outside of the bonds of marriage is mocking the natural order of god. my point is this, heterosexuality outside the bonds of marriage will keep you out of the celestial kingdom just as much as homosexuality will.

i see sexual deviency as adultery, regardless if it be two boys, two girls, or a boy and a girl...

VAX77 12-16-2005 04:48 PM

Fusnik, you have some really valid points about homosexuality. I have to complement you in your constant questioning and being unafraid to tell it like it is. Are you sure you aren't from NYC. :wink: However, If I had to rank how "bad" fornication, adultery, or homo. is, the way I see it in the gospel acording to VAX77:

Fornication-very bad obviously, but you do not break up as many families with forn. as adultery

Adultery-breaking marital covenenants and breaking families apart with kids or potential for kids within a fmaily unit(although many still make it through, not the majority, but many. I would take my wife back if she cheated on me and I knew it was a one time thing, thats just me, I think divorce should be used like abortion is in the church. It is a last resort, even with rape or danger of ones life, with prayerful consideration) Do not read into the rape issue, I would totally justify an abortion in my mind if someone was raped, but that is a different issue for a different post.

Homosexuality- it prevents families from existing in first place in that it prevents children from being born and it also distorts the roles that we have been given by God. I am not saying these roles include the woman being barefoot and pregnant, but the roles of man and woman are distinct and it is what it is. We have different capacities and anyone here who is married with a kid or 7 :wink: , will tell you that their wives play roles in their home setting that is different than theirs, but essential to their children

I would love to see your thoughts on this

One more thing. What wre your thoughts on the rise of popularity and possbily prevelance of homosexuality in society as we have been trending towards more unconvential family units in the past few decades. My feeling is that certain people are born with "tendencies" whether it be stubborness, temper, or homosexual feelings as part of our individual packages of trials that are personalized. at the same time, this does not excuse behaviors either. Second though, is my thought that muc of what we see in homosexual prevelance today is also from environmental factors, ie single parent homes without fathers, etc. Not to say that every single parent home is single for the same reason or that every single parent family will have their kids star on will and grace...

Just some thoughts

non sequitur 12-16-2005 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by VAX77
Homosexuality- it prevents families from existing in first place in that it prevents children from being born and it also distorts the roles that we have been given by God. I am not saying these roles include the woman being barefoot and pregnant, but the roles of man and woman are distinct and it is what it is. We have different capacities and anyone here who is married with a kid or 7 :wink: , will tell you that their wives play roles in their home setting that is different than theirs, but essential to their children

Where do you place masturbation on the sliding scale of sin? Most of the things you said about homosexuality can also be said about masturbation. I hope they're not the same, otherwise we're going to have to send home 90% of our missionaries.

fuegote 12-16-2005 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by non sequitur
Where do place masturbation on the sliding scale of sin? Most of things you said about homosexuality can also be said about masturbation. I hope they're not the same, otherwise we're going to have to send home 90% of our missionaries.

90% I think that's greatly exagerated right?

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