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MikeWaters 01-04-2012 09:32 PM

To be a Jimmer fan... an odd experience, watching these Sacramento Kings.

Because let's get this straight. I am a Jimmer Fredette fan, not a Kings fan. When the game starts and Jimmer is not in yet, I am bored to tears. Watching Reke drive and turn it over, watching Thornton gunning shots left and right. "Put Jimmer in!" I yell at the TV. That is, if I have not recorded the game and fast forwarded to the end of the 1st quarter when Jimmer is inserted.

Every possession centers around Jimmer. When Jimmer has the ball, I am desperately hoping he gets a shot up, and when he does, even more desperately hoping that it goes in. A miss hurts. Very badly. And there have been many. When Jimmer makes a good pass, and the teammate shoots and scores, I am exultant. "Assist!!!" But not as exultant as when Jimmer scores, so secretly I am disappointed everytime he passes. And when someone misses the shot, robbing Jimmer of his assist, I am pissed. Even when Jimmer grabs a loose-ball rebound, I am tallying the stat in my head.

In short, I have become a Jimmer stat-whore. That's a far cry from being a basketball fan. Or a Kings fan. It's all Jimmer, all the time, the Kings be damned. I have a lot riding on Jimmer! My personal credibility! My friends have mocked me for my Jimmer love. Every positive thing for Jimmer on the NBA hardcourts is personal justification of me.

Yes, my personal worth, in no small part, is determined by a young kid who doesn't even know I exist. The cosmos, looks at this little speck called Earth, and then this even smaller speck I call me, and has pronounced a relationship between it and this glowing orb of fire called Jimmer. Who am I renounce it?

When Jimmer gives up yet another drive to the basket, I grab throw-pillows and sling them in safe directions. I even breathe naughty words. And when Jimmer's opponent misses a shot off the iron, even though wide open, I take it as justification, and no small victory.

That reminds me of a joke, that I will turn around for my purposes. A man dies and goes to heaven. He is excited to see a basketball gym within the pearly gates, and sees a kick-ass baller who to his surprise looks like exactly Jimmer Fredette, except now with flowing white locks. "What is Jimmer doing here? I didn't know he was dead too." "That's not Jimmer. That's God. He just thinks he's Jimmer."

Sometime soon, this will all come crashing down. I'm too old for sports heroes. I'm too cynical. This Jimmer love is an anachronism of my youth that has bubbled to the surface, and like anything effervescent, is bound to diffuse away into the atmosphere, and the ether. I was watching a show on the Science Channel that introduced me to the idea of the eventual Heat Death of the universe. That eventually there will be no matter, no time, no nothing, as energy particles reach absolute zero across the entire universe. I was very depressed until I tuned into wikipedia and found some competing ideas no doubt penned by some ugly looking character from Romania who is going to ask me to make a contribution. Before the Heat Death comes, if it comes, I got a couple trumps in my pocket. And one of them is Jimmer. No doubt. Every fiber of my being. There are some things that the universe can't explain. And Jimmer is one of them.

God raised up a righteous generation of middle-aged men to carry Jimmer's banner across the world. We didn't choose this. We were called. And we sally forth in half-conscious delirium. I am a Jimmer fan. And the rest of you haters can suck it!

MikeWaters 01-22-2012 04:19 AM

according to the box scores it has been suckitude for Jimmer for some time. Decreasing minutes, decreasing points. Bad shooting percentage. Haven't been watching the games, but no doubt, bad defense.

Nice to see that he led the Kings in scoring for the first time tonight. With 20 points. In 33 minutes. 5-13 shooting. Not a great percentage, but it is the NBA, and he is a rookie. Not sure why Thornton didn't play many minutes. Hurt?

Might be time to reconsider getting NBA League Pass if this keeps up. Hope was starting to fade.

MikeWaters 02-03-2012 11:43 AM

The coach didn't play Jimmer last night. And the Kings won.

Not a good sign. :(

Kings suck.

Archaea 02-03-2012 02:21 PM

The Kings are not a good fit for Jimmer.

Call me dense, but I didn't realize what the critics meant by a volume shooter. Apparently, and you must already known this, they argue his good percentage in college was due to the fact he could adjust after taking lots of shots, but here in the pros he's getting limited shots and shooting a poor percentage.

Many of Jimmer's critics are correct so far. He's not in a good team system, so all of his physical limitations are apparent. He can't guard squat. He isn't driving to the basket and the Kings don't look to pass to him.

He needs to improve his game, but Coach Smart is going with Isaiah Thomas not Jimmer. At this rate, he will be considered another BYU bust. I hope he can turn it around.

MikeWaters 02-03-2012 11:19 PM

Yeah, he has had a terrible time finishing in the paint. So that's taken away a lot of what he was good at in college.

On the other hand he is on a terrible team full of selfish players.

Tyreke is a poor man's Westbrook. He has great athleticism, but he can't shoot non-layups and he can't pass. If Jimmer is going to be a 2, he is way undersized. His best case scenario would be to be like Jet Terry on the Mavs.

Things will play out....cream rises. Hard to tell right now what Jimmer's ceiling is.

MikeWaters 02-07-2012 09:29 PM

well at least Jimmer played last night. 10 minutes. Young Isaiah Thomas played more and obviously contributed much more if you look at the stat line.

Archaea 02-08-2012 12:17 AM

Thomas is considered the better player by Smart. It looks as if Jimmer won't succeed in Sacto. I wish he had gone to Phoenix.

MikeWaters 02-08-2012 03:47 AM

Good chance Smart is right.

MikeWaters 02-08-2012 11:54 AM

Finally a good game by Jimmer. 13 points in 17 minutes, all his points in the 4th quarter in a comeback. A +/- of +12, almost led to the team to a win.

MikeWaters 02-10-2012 02:36 AM

Jimmer and Kings on TNT tonight. FYI.

MikeWaters 02-10-2012 10:30 PM

Very good win by the Kings last night.

Jimmer had a pretty good first half, some nice assists/passes. Hit a 3.

Not as effective in the 2nd half. Airballed a shot from the baseline (or blocked, hard to tell).

Did definitely get a shot stuffed in his face in the lane, and he wasn't even close to really being able to get it off. Someone said that he really needs to be able to shoot a floater. He didn't need a floater in college. He very much needs one now. He cannot get a shot off in the lane...if he could, he would be vastly more dangerous.

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