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Old 07-16-2007, 03:56 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Cali Coug View Post
It is the job of blacks to "attract the attention of the GOP?" Are you serious? So there isn't any chance that the GOP isn't getting the black vote because they may be doing something wrong (like refusing to speak to the largest black association in America, for example). Instead, it must be the blacks' fault for not getting the GOP excited to talk to them!
I'm not the first person (nor has it been only whites) to observe that the blacks have been wholly in the back pocket of the Democrat party, to the extent that the Democrats have taken them entirely for granted.

I did say, in case you didn't notice, that the GOP has to do a better job of outreach. But ultimately political parties respond to constituencies and not the other way around. Surely a brilliant political observer such as yourself recognizes this.

The NAA"L"CP is nothing more than an arm of the Democrat party. No reason for the GOP to go into "enemy" territory to be heckled and mocked by a bunch of people who have already decided to vote against you before you've ever opened your mouth.
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