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Old 07-19-2007, 07:49 PM   #6
AKA SeattleNewt
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From her July 12 post:

Introducing Rhiannon

After a brief hiatus, the BYU blog is back in business with a bit of a twist. As many of you may have have noticed, the picture next to the blog has changed.

My name is Rhiannon Potkey, and I am the new BYU beat reporter for the Tribune.

For the first blog, I figure I might as well tell you a little bit about myself. But the ensuing blogs will be dedicated to what you care about most - all BYU all the time.

I was born in Nashua, N.H., and moved to Ventura, Calif. when I was 6. For anyone reading this blog who is over 30, yes I was named after the Fleetwood Mac song. (For those of you under 30 who want to hear the live version, here is a link:)

Growing up, I was the poster child of a tomboy and still have the hideous pictures of me with a bowl cut to prove it.

Sports became my obsession at an early age, and I played nearly everything - basketball, soccer, tennis, baseball, softball, lacrosse. I narrowed my focus to basketball and soccer in high school, and was the point guard for the Ventura High Cougars (surely the mascot will score me a few brownie points with BYU fans).

After injuring my knees during my senior season, my fictional WNBA aspirations died a painful death. No longer able to play, I decided I might as well write about sports.

I worked full time at the Ventura County Star while attending UC Santa Barbara - home of the reigning NCAA champion Gaucho men's soccer team.

I am a college sports junkie, and have always wanted a college beat so I could rationalize the hours I spend each night reading stories about random linemen in the deep South or staying up late to watch far West football games and the Great Alaska Shootout.

Once I heard about the BYU beat opening at the Tribune, I jumped at the chance to spend Saturdays at LaVell Edwards Stadium and Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Marriott Center.

So I packed my seven boxes, my bed and my life-size Michael Jordan poster into the U-Haul and made the 11-hour trip down Interstate-15 to Provo. From my cozy living room, I can see the Y on Y Mountain as I type this entry. (Quick aside: I apologize to any drivers in Provo who have been forced to wait an extra second at stoplights as I marvel at the beauty of the Wasatch Range. It's truly breathtaking). I have always followed BYU through newspaper reports and nationally-televised games over the years, but realize I have some learning to do about the complete history of its programs.

I am a willing student though.

I spent the Fourth of July fully engrossed in BYU media guides and watching sporting events on BYU Television and The Mtn.

But the best way to learn more is to give you a chance to display your BYU knowledge.

I want you to tell me the things anyone involved with BYU should know - the history, the traditions, the important milestones.

Tell me about your favorite games, the all-time great players, the memorable moments. Invite your friends, relatives and neighbors to read the blog and contribute. The more, the merrier.

Throughout the season, I will be the unbiased eyes and ears in my reporting and I encourage as much interaction on the blog as possible. Feel free to send me an email ( any time of day, any day of the week with a question, thought or suggestion. Like you, I am counting down the hours until players report to preseason camp and another glorious fall college football season officially begins.
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