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Old 02-16-2006, 04:27 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by FarrahWaters
At the risk of copycatting (Mike and I seem to have similar likes, imagine that), I have to reiterate three of the books Mike already mentioned.

Remains of the Day- one of my all time favorites, though I haven't really liked any of the other Ishiguro books I've read.
For Whom the Bell Tolls, also any of Hemingway's short stories
The Things they Carried

looking over the bookcase to remind me of others...
Possession (A.S. Byatt)
Anna Karenina
Tolkien books
Catch-22- the funniest book ever written
The Red Pony (Steinbeck), a childhood favorite
the Mark Twain books already mentioned, also liked his short stories

and I'll probably be mocked for this, because these are children's books
Harry Potter series- I admit I find these good fun
Lemony Snicket books- hearing Tim Curry read these to me on audio books will sometimes entertain me while I'm cleaning the house.
I agree about Catch-22. I couldn't get through Possession. Tolstoy is my favorite novelist, overall, but Anna Karenina wasn't among my favorite of his. It's still an amazing book by standards of most mortal novelists. I tend to really get into foreign novelists more than American ones, at least foreign speaking novelists. I mentioned Singer. I love the Russians. Dostoyevsky; The Brothers Karamozov my favorite of his. Two by Gabriel Garcia Marquez: 100 Years of Solitude, and Love in the Time of Colera; couldn't get into any others by him.
Interrupt all you like. We're involved in a complicated story here, and not everything is quite what it seems to be.

—Paul Auster
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