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Old 08-06-2007, 04:13 AM   #11
AKA SeattleNewt
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Originally Posted by Goatnapper'96 View Post
In my experience the two whiniest fan bases on earth are BYU and Utah. I have very few issues with Utenation pissing and moaning about BYU's whininess, I just scratch my head when Utes will claim that BYU dorkiness and whining is why they are Ute fans. If finding a non-dorky fanbase were trully important to Utenation, the attendance smack from dorky BYUites would be true.

As for the meat of this post, I have been outspoken on my opinions on Bronco's outspoken confidence. I don't think BYU will suck but there is no way anyone can convince me that BYU will be great this year until I see it with my own eyes. I think Insensitive Pap's post on there just flat out being too little experience is a fact. I see BYU as a solid 8-4 or 7-5 team. I just cannot fathom BYU winning 9 games this year. I have my issues with Bronco's confidence because I think it creates superflous issues with the fanbase. His comments fan the flames of expectations and I just don't think that is wise. The last thing Bronco and this program needs are jaded fans and with his rhetoric I think a higher percentage of the fanbase will be jaded if the Y goes 7-5 than if he had taken a Lavell like approach. I think Bronco does it because he believes in consistency and making it public that he will not back off his expectations for the program. It is bold and as Santos pointed out, he is putting his neck and credibility on the line. I just think it could create stress and issues that need not be created.

As far as copying LDS rhetoric. It is dorky, but it is also BYU and it makes the fanbase tied with BYU for being whiny bitches to whine. However, the LDS Church stole the adage from someone else and BYU is the LDS church owned school so why would it not use the same marketting slogans?
Fake boobs. Your thoughts?
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