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Old 08-14-2007, 01:39 AM   #19
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I don't have any cool injury stories so I guress I'd have to go with appendecitis. It was inflamed and they told me it was close to bursting when they took it out. But the inflamed appendix and accompanying surgery and recover were cake compared to the true painful experience. After spending several hours in the hospital while they were trying to figure out where the pain was coming from, doing several less invasive tests, etc. they decide they have to do a barium enema. So they lay me down on the a hard x-ray table, facedown, shove a tube up my butt and proceed to pump me full of this white chalky stuff. Then I have to "hold it" while they take the x-rays. Imagine the most severe case of diarrea you can and having to hold it in, while laying on a hard table, which is putting pressure on your inflamed appendix. Oh and you're running a fever and feel like crap to start with.
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