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Old 08-17-2007, 04:56 PM   #2
jay santos
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Originally Posted by BYU71 View Post
with what I am about to say. Perhaps goat will interpret for me so you can all understand.

I have noted with some joy (sarcastic) those who praise the code, honor and punishment dealt out at BYU. There are those who truly would rather have no HC violations and not win.

However, with the Bronco era they have gained new heart. The two don't have to be mutually exclusive. They think he is a spiritual leader whose by product is a winning football team. I think he is a disciplined person and very good coach who also happens to be spiritual. I can coincide with the spiritualists, except when I hear the following.

Crying because other teams aren't giving out the same punishment we do for violations. Hey, if you guys think we are so good because we punish our players and ask them to be on a spiritual plane. Why are you crying about other teams not doing so. You want them to have the advantage we have.

OR, don't you have the faith you mouth.
No one will ever enjoy the same advantage because they aren't the true church, we are. It would be nice if others could have a minimum standard level in punishing their ex-con, immoral players. But it wouldn't change the fact that our team is a type of Helamon's sons.
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