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Old 02-28-2006, 02:42 PM   #40
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The problem with RvW and all that is that abortion isn't a political problem, it's a social symptom to a social problem. You can outlaw abortion, but you're not going to stop people from behaving irresponsibly with regards to procreation and dealing with the consequences of their actions. That's the real problem and you ain't gonna legislate that away.

Prohibitions don't seem to work well. Alcohol prohibition didn't exactly work out. We made drugs illegal in the 30's (20's? whatever) and look how well *that* turned out.

The thing is, the *real* issue is hardly divisive at all: people need to not get pregnant if they're not able to take responsibility for their actions. Most people I know who support abortion rights (obviously this isn't indicative of all people who are pro-abortion) would agree with this. This is the problem that needs to be acted on.

To me, the abortion debate is yet another red-herring around which the glorious two parties can rally their troops and make themselves feel important.

Es irrt der Mensch solang er strebt.
-J. W. v. Goethe
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