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Old 03-05-2006, 05:58 PM   #39
Cali Coug
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Cali Coug has a little shameless behaviour in the past

Originally Posted by Archaea
Because I can forcefully argue with words posted does not mean that they are necessarily emotive.

However, your arguments are dishonest and not novel, just novel for somebody who professes some small belief in the LDS Church, at least at the present. Your arguments are more representative of apostates.

Nonetheless, if you're going to accept the unreliable "studies" of the gay community, then you susceptible to accepting their political arguments as well.

As to gay issues, I'm more and more convinced there are no credible evidences, because both sides have axes to grind.

Let's take a look at the fundamental assumptions wrong in those classic gay "studies". These studies are cited by you as evidence that gay unions make some benefit to society. I'd say, even if you buy into the bullshit which these "studies" state, it's more like telling a beginning scube diver, who is supposed to exhale normally as they ascend to the surface but who is actually holding his breath, to only hold his breath for ten seconds at a time, both techniques DON'T work.

First, among many flaws in your argument, gays may sometimes, and there is no evidence to suggest that monogamy is the norm amongst all gay males, be monogamous for brief periods. This is supposed to be some major health benefit? Oh wow, spare me if I'm not overly impressed. Gays will be promiscuous during the "dating" stage, may be monogamous for their "union" and be promiscuous thereafter. They spread disease at a rate higher than traditional families.

Second, even if gays want a union, they don't have to call it marriage. And what benefit is their to society for us to give them "marriage" type benefits? There is extra cost.

Nobody, but nobody wants to address the extra burden on society that gays are, as gays. Why?
And off we go to the rational world of calling people we disagree with "apostates" and flinging out incomprehensible analogies (what in the world are you talking about with scuba diving?).

I ask you again for your statistics from your "survey."

As for this: "First, among many flaws in your argument, gays may sometimes, and there is no evidence to suggest that monogamy is the norm amongst all gay males, be monogamous for brief periods."
At what point did I say monogamy is the norm among all gay males? Your emotional state is making you read arguments that aren't even there. The statistics I provided dealt with monogamy among married homosexuals or those joined in civil unions (a very small percentage of the homosexual community).

Tip for your next post: when attempting to express your standards of self-righteousness, you may want to refrain from cussing; it conveys a sense of hypocrisy.
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