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Old 03-23-2006, 06:54 PM   #17
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Default Re: Natural Urge Apologetics

Originally Posted by outlier
Originally Posted by Archaea
What do you mean by "being mean"? I do have interactions with lesbians, which has been most pleasant, as no sexual tension there, it was professional and we discuss matters of general interest. I render professional service, they pay and we move on. A great relationship.
Then maybe the way you're coming across here on CG isn't how you intend to come across. Your rhetoric sounds like one of general contempt for all gay people with no willingness to respect them as fellow children of God. OTOH, it sounds like your actual interactions with them are not at all contemptuous or mean-spirited.
This is a weird comment. If I understand you correctly, in order not to be "mean", I must intellectually accept something which intellectually cannot be.

I accept people, usually no matter their baggage, for some it might be homosexuality, for others it might be porn. However, I don't spend all my time or actually any time that I know of, with porn addicts, or coke addicts, or anything of the sort. If I see one or meet with one, I doubt I'd make any comment, keeping mostly to myself.

However, when the marajuana legalization guys came through, I was of the opinion, it wasn't a great idea, and if asked, expressed my opinion as so.

You do not articulate a clear definition of "accept." If you mean I must agree with somebody else's opinion, then you're smoking serious sh...

If it means that I should acknowledge as a legitimate point of view? Why? It's illegitimate in my view.

If you mean that legally, people have a right to argue it, yes that is true. The law allows the argument to be made.

If you mean I must like it, then hell will freeze over.

If you mean that my views impact my daily life, no way. This is argument, or entertainment.

I don't know what you mean. Do I accept murderers, alcoholics, porn kings, fat people, skinny people, mean people, nice people, short people, tall people, educated people, uneducated slobs?

Your use of the word "accept" is sloppy and non-definitive.

Being mean, that sounds like something my eight year old would say.
Originally Posted by outlier
Glad you inferred my implication -- my point there being that most people are the same as they were when they were six years old. We want to have friends and feel like we belong and are willing to disparage others in order to have that sense of social togetherness. Or: we're mean to people we don't like and nice to people we do like. It's "childish" behavior, but at the same time all too adult.
Disparaging people or traits or orientations is tantamount to being "mean".

How have I "disparaged" people by stating I don't agree with the legal and philosophical arguments raised by them in support of laws or philosophies espoused by them?

"Gayness" is a negative quality. It has no benefit to society or life.

Some people can operate without it destroying their lives and can still produce. Some might not. I dunno.

So you are saying, in a dishonest way, that anybody who doesn't intellectually accept gayness as a positive aspect is mean? Strange logic, but it is a form of ad hominem attack. Novel, I give you that.

The world is a mean place, and making nice is no longer vogue.
Forgive me for dealing in ideals and what *ought* to be. I'm very rebellious that way. In this one case.


Oh how noble of you!

I really have never seen anybody since high school, demonstrate meanness to somebody, except from a gay to a straight, on the basis of sexual orientation. I'm not naive enough to think it doesn't happen, but this is a major red herring.

Where are all the LDS gayphobes? They don't exist. We might ask that the definition of marriage be preserved so that the few straight, monogamous folk out there. We might be the few who care about our blood supplies not being tainted. But perhaps we are in the minority and society wishes to ultimately add so many vices that it no longer can suppor them.

Let's see what society wishes to support.

Free love.

Open marriages.

Marajuana legal.


gay marriages.

No industry to save the planet.

No rich people.

No poor people as supported through taxes.

If in Holland, free drugs.

and on and on and on.

You're not advocating that, but the rubric that LDS people are mean to gay people is a LIE.

We might not let them marry in the temple, we don't encourage the activity, but we're not malicious or mean, simply doing what we interpret our Father to have us do. If we are wrong, He will hold us accountable.

We may be judged for many faults, but being "mean" to gay people will not be one of them.
Ἓν οἶδα ὅτι οὐδὲν οἶδα
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