Thread: Beck talk
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Old 10-12-2007, 11:40 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by jay santos View Post
This is probably the part that could have been left out. It's probably possible for a Mormon mother to be the most perfect Mormon mom that's ever walked the face of the earth and never cook, clean, or do laundry. And at a minimum, if a Mormon mother struggles with some of those areas, it doesn't mean they're not a good nurturer. My wife just blew this part off, but I can see this offending people. It offended people I know are good Mormon moms. I don't mind putting a high standard out there, such as LDS youth should be most chaste. Or LDS as a group should have most scripture knowledge, whatever. But the high standard in an area of cooking and cleaning is lame, I agree with the critics on that.
I don't know about everyone else, but that was exactly the part that I've had the problem with. The inference there, whether intended or not, is that if you don't keep your house perfectly clean, or don't have a good, home-cooked meal every night, you're falling short.

This is the other part I had a problem with: "Mothers who know build children into future leaders and are the primary examples of what leaders look like."

As with the homemaking part, I felt this wasn't very sensitive to mothers who have children who make bad choices and don't end up as leaders - in other words, it perpetuates the "What did I do wrong?" stress that is in many cases unwarranted and unfair.

These are the only criticisms I've had with the talk that I addressed on Cougarboard, and I was still being reamed for speaking evil of the Lord's anointed.

I still haven't had anyone reasonably oppose my criticism. They just generally criticized me.
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