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Old 10-22-2007, 10:51 PM   #26
Mrs. Funk
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Originally Posted by Burning Bright View Post
I must say, that most of you are pretty out of touch with mainstream America. I found a poll on the MSNBC website that showed 61% of Americans think pajamas at school are inapropriate. I realize it's a non-scientific poll so who knows what the actual percentages are.

Who would thought that Cougar Guard would be such a hotbed of liberalism and permissiveness. Cougar Board, maybe, but not Cougar Guard.
It may be the case that 61% of Americans find pajamas at school inappropriate, but I don't think their reasoning is the same as yours. My parents didn't let me wear pajamas at school, but it was because it looks bad and sloppy. They didn't want me portraying the image that I don't care.

You, on the other hand, believe that pajamas are going to corrupt your 5-year-old into thinking that pajamas mean you should have intimate relations with nonrelated males?
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