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Old 10-23-2007, 08:19 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by DJRoss View Post
They have nothing against America. They are waiting for the US to pull its collective head out of his rear end and establish reliable network tech that can handle the phones. If the US would stop screwing around with the desire to milk their customers for all they can while inching towards where they need to be, they could have been on par with Sweden, Finland and Asia long ago.

I can ask a few friends who work in R&D at SonyEricsson to find out where the bottle neck is, if there is an opening for TRE to jump into the US market. I doubt it since this pissing contest between the existing wireless companies resembles the Comcast vs. satellites battle for the mtn.
That will not happen for a LONG time. The cost to outfit towers for 3G is prohibitive right now. besides, since the US, as a whole, in unaware what a real 3G network is, they are happy paying premiums for connection speeds that EVDO and EDGE offer.

I dont mind not being able to watch TV on my phone, as I dont care about that. but i do get a kick out of folks who think we have the true 3G capabilities that exist elsewhere.
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