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Old 04-07-2006, 11:48 PM   #1
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Default The Earth and our responsibility towards it.

I've been wondering about this for some time but I have a hard time expressing it. I am somewhat disheartened to hear the flippant attitudes of so many of our bretheren about the earth.

I feel like we were given our mortal bodies, which are subject to the consequences of our actions, and as such, we should take care of them and reverence them. Likewise I feel like we were placed in a position of stewardship over the earth, also subject to the consequences of our actions; we are given a heed to cultivate, and dress the earth. Why are we not more proactive in meeting this responsibility? Why do so many people not only not meet this responsibility, but maintain an almost cavalier attitude about it. On cougarboard there is an attitude that the environment is a "liberal" talking point and therefore must be unimportant. I read a thread today that man-made global warming was basically only the product of researchers writing what they're getting paid to write.

Is taking care of the environment a gospel responsibility? Does the Lord care what we do to the earth (and to other species) on the earth as an indirect effect of our actions? If so, what is the extent of this responsibility?

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