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Old 11-02-2007, 05:59 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Black Diamond Bay View Post
I went to a Dodgers v. Giants game this year. It was great. I have no idea what the pavilion is. All I know is that I was sitting in nosebleed seats.

There were no less than 5 fights just in my section. Including one that started when a Dodgers fan took a Giants baseball cap off the head of a female Giants fan (she was very trashy, and her size made her choice of teams seem very appropriate) and started tossing it around the section. Everyone that got the baseball cap would spit on it. Unbelievably enough her boyfriend actually got up and while shouting a lot of very interesting profanities, retrieved the cap and returned it to her. Why she wanted it back is totally beyond my ability to comprehend.

The cops dragged out one Dodgers fan who stood up and mooned the Giants fan below him that was standing up screaming profanities at him. I think after the 3rd fight the couple sitting behind us got up to leave because the girl said she was worried about her safety walking out with those people.

I loved it. I'd go again in a heartbeat.
The Pav is the outfield bleacher sections in left and right field, the ones with the zig zagged roof....$6 seats, except now the right Rav is $30 with the all you can eat option for certain games. It is really a fun place to be because it is quite rowdy, esp when the Gigantes are in town. As long as you are wearing blue, you are safe as kittens. If you try to rock orange, well.....not so much.

Spit is a new one. I hadnt thought of that. I could get behind spitting on opposing fans hats, given the approriate circumstances.

The thing I dont get with the fighting...the ones I have seen are always the is some college guy....likely a knucklehead UCLA student or SC student from NorCal, who comes to the game with his girlfriend, thinking he will show her how cool he is by wearing his Giants gear. He already knows that at any given Dodger game, you are likely to be sitting next to several people who are not afraid to fight and are affiliated with some mexican gang or club, but he still insists. He shows up to the game, starts shooting off his mouth and causing trouble. If the Giants are winning, he makes the HUGE mistake of standing up. Once they stand up, it is all over. because you have just given the Dodger fans the lame "get out of my way...I cant see" excuse.

Shortly after standing up, the cokes and food start flying. The girlfriend gets hit and protests. She gets shouted down and called unflaterring names, often cruel ones. Clueless college guy then has to prove his worth.

It always ends the same way...beatdown for Giants fan and cheers at his expulsion. the girlfriend has to leave with him, usually for her own safety. One or two Dodger martyrs get tossed, as well.

Within a few minutes, someone has inflated another beach ball and it still isnt coming my way.
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