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Old 11-07-2007, 02:48 PM   #19
jay santos
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jay santos is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by BYU71 View Post
CC luncheon. I walked away both satisfied as a fan and impressed.

Learned not to read to much into after he says something listening to peoples interpretation.

Here is what I heard, paraphrased. Bronco said he considers his number one job at BYU is to build young men and have them live in accordance with the BYU vision. Of course a big smile comes accross the face of Pres. Samuelson and Skousen and BYU71 frowns.

Then he says, I know many of you in this room don't agree with this and BYU71's ears perk up. He said, I know if I don't win I will be fired. Skousen shakes his head no, but I know Bronco is right. Either he will be fired or BYU will have to find some way of funding their it's OK to lose as long as we obey the HC policy. Bronco then says, integrity without winning has no credibility. Wow, BYU71 is really in the Bronco camp. Yea, sure. Have the kids live the BYU vision as your most important goal, that is fine with me. You get it Bronco. Words are great and winning is the bottom line.

Therefor, while I have fun with the Crowton was fired because of the honor code crowd, I still know why the guy was fired. I still know why people are showing up at firesides.
At the fireside last week, he was talking about what he felt was his higher purpose at BYU substituting the word "playing" for the word "fighting" in the Captain Moroni fighting for freedom, liberty, family, religion, etc. He was laying it on thick as usual. He also said many of you will evaluate my value, my worth as an individual by the score of a three and a half hour game tomorrow afternoon. He pauses and holds with a serious face to make the point. Laughter. He waits for laughter to die down. "You laugh but you KNOW it's true and so do I". Pauses and holds the serious face again to more laughter. I felt like me and him were the only ones in the room. It was spirit to spirit pure communication. He gets it.
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