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Old 04-19-2006, 07:19 PM   #6
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Default I am no expert but I'll opine

My understanding of the atonement is that in the Garden, Jesus suffered the pains of the world but did not have the Spirit of His Father removed from him. In fact we know that he was comforted their by angels, and Brother McConkie believed that Michael was with him. On the cross however, the Spirit was taken from him and he had to suffer alone having all the pains of the world returned upon him.

I believe that the essence of the atonement was that Christ had to suffer more or worse than anybody has or will ever suffer. The atonement is not about suffering for X number of sins. I believe it is more about Christ suffering so that he can understand all of our pains. Therefore part of that suffering would necessitate Christ suffering death, even an awfully painful death.

Having said that I think the answer could be as simple as fulfilling prophecy. The real issue surrounds what exactly occurred in the Garden. My best guess is that most of the atonement is something that we cannot in anyway comprehend so we are not told.
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