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Old 11-18-2007, 03:54 PM   #1
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Default Things I hope to see this week

1) A LBer (or two) spying Brian Johnson all game long. I don't care if they drop the two 'backers on the hashes and keep BJ contained, or switch it up and occasionally bring one (or both) of them. Keep him guessing, play games with his head, force him into bad reads.

2) Turnovers created by BYU's defense. Our defenses biggest weakness is the inability to create turnovers. Linebackers are adequate at this, DBs have been below average. There were a few jump balls thrown up by Sween yesterday that should have been picked. They ended up being big gains for Wyoming. If BYU can end up on the positive side of the turnover battle, they win this game. I think they win as long as they do no worse than -1.

3) Linemen playing like they are 6'5" 320 lbs. Our line should be bigger and more physical than any team they play. With our big RBs, I'd like to see some smash mouth football, 4 yards and a cloud of dust if needs be. Especially with Hall hurt, I hope we can enforce our will in the trenches.

4) The return of the crossing routes. Maybe it is just me, but it seemed like we ran crossing routes to our hearts content against Tulsa and UCLA, and moved the ball. We haven't since.

5) I've been waiting all year to see a play-action bootleg off of the two back shot-gun set. We may have ran it once, but teams are biting on that so badly, it's driving me crazy. Although, with Hall's shoulder likely being sore, I don't want to risk anything worse happening. So this one isn't as big of a wish as it would have been with a healthy Hall. But...

6) Protect Hall. Run 3 guys out on routes, keep 2 backs in to give Hall more time and keep his jersey clean. Use the size advantages that Pitta, George and Collie have and move the ball that way. Everybody and their dog knows that BYU's best chance at winning is with a healthy Hall at QB.
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