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Old 12-01-2007, 04:09 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by DJRoss View Post
Does decisive to you equal opening up your mouth and putting everything out there even admittedly "not really big priorities such as water boarding" in your mind? Is discretion not the better part of valor? Would you consider that a strong leadership quality. And criticizing his hair has what to do with his politics? I honestly believe sometimes that we have been poisoned by the Ricky Lake society for so long now that it is as if we all feel entitled to hear the good the bad and the ugly about everyone. It is a sad day when a presidential election needs to be held in a Jerry Springer forum for so many to feel that they really got to know the candidate.
I guess where you and I disagree on this topic is not whether waterboarding is a big deal, but rather, whether the act of defining waterboarding as torture is a big deal. I am of the opinion that Mitt saying, "Yes it is," or "No, it isnt," is not a big deal. It doesnt put our country at risk, nor does it create a "Jerry Springer" atmosphere.

You seem to be suggesting that Mitt was about the only candidate up on stage that acted in the interests of our national security by refusing to answer with a clear yes or no. By definition, you are implying that McCain has now put our country at a greater risk by answering emphatically. I just dont see how you can suggest that with a straight face.

Does this logic extend to other issues? Should Mitt not talk about his thoughts on immigration? After all, we dont want to embolden more illegals to cross the border. Let's keep our policies a secret...
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