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Old 01-04-2008, 04:01 PM   #6
jay santos
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jay santos is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by MikeWaters View Post
Many forces, both from within and without, have conspired to place Mormonism in its weakest position, from a tribal standpoint, since its founding.

I was pondering the several posters here who said that they would vote for an overtly anti-Mormon candidate. Why? Because the tribal identity is dissolving.

Some of this has to do with Mormonism emerging from the mountains, and the world becoming smaller.

Much of it has to do with mainstreaming efforts by the General Authorities. "We are a Christian church just like you. Our beliefs are not so different than yours. We wish to be loved and accepted."

The primacy of "a personal relationship with Jesus Christ", very similar to traditional Baptist precepts, has supplanted the message of the restoration. 40 years ago, you were very likely to hear primarily of Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, and the restoration in a sacrament meeting. Today, it is much more rare.

The push back against "the old prophets" has never been greater. Romney's statement that he can imagine nothing more awful than polygamy hardly raises a single eyebrow among Mormons in 2008.

The irony, is that when we are accepted by the world, as we seem to wish, Mormonism will be done and over. Assimilated into Babylon.

And we wonder why convert baptisms in America are flat or falling.

It takes more than one set of hands to keep the Ark in its place. It has always been steadied by human hands, and any injunction to silence members only hastens the death of the tribe.
You're bemoaning the fall of Mormon tribalism yet you campaign against Romney?
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