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Old 01-08-2008, 07:50 PM   #7
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I think LDS are that way by default. They dont actively oppose helping others, but they prefer to keep as much of their own cash as possible. Tithing sucks a lot of life out of your pocketbook, so the idea of paying any additional taxes is very distasteful.

Social programs are funded by taxes. So, since LDS dont want to pay more taxes, then by definition they appear to be against social programs.

If there was some magical way to fund social programs without raising taxes, who would be against that? Nowhere near as many people (although there are valid arguments about teaching self-sufficiency).

Also, it isnt an LDS phenomenon. Most people want less taxes on their income. As a Texan, you probably are aware of that. if not, states like Florida, Texas, etc would institute a personal income tax and start helping out the poor.
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