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Old 01-08-2008, 09:55 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by BYU71 View Post
If I came into contact with you in a business setting and I saw you made an effort to let me know your religion, you would have a tough time doing business with me.

It isn't just your religion, I feel the same way about anyone who feels the need to let me know about their religion if I don't ask.

Not really, we have a business dinner together and when given the wine list I order a St. Pauli Girl or Carlsberg One (AF beer) or Water and you raise an eyebrow which most do and have done( at least in my experience). The question always comes. Why not a beer or a glass of wine? I say I do not drink for two reasons. 1. I have a history of alcoholism in my family, and 2. I am LDS. Now if you asked questions that is your business, but as far as I am concerned, I am done (I would never force it on anyone. No pseudo door approaching).

We meet Monday afternoon for a business meeting, and I say that I need to wrap things up because I need to be on time to our Family Home Evening. Has often raised questions among those that are not LDS.

Wednesday or Tuesdays Mutual nights at the Church.

Like I said usually within 48 hours they are going to know, even if it is from seeing a copy of the Book of Mormon sitting on my desk. Again I am not about accosting people regarding my faith, but I think it is important they know. It saves on the awkward responses to "Hey let me get you a Starbucks, what are you gonna have?"
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Last edited by DJRoss; 01-08-2008 at 10:27 PM.
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