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Old 01-14-2008, 09:58 PM   #6
Homo Erectus
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Homo Erectus is on a distinguished road
Default Exactly what I mean.

Indy -

1. Doesn't possess a sincere bone in her body.
2. Stayed married to a husband that repeatedly cheated on her; simply because it was politcally advantageous to do so.
3. Doesn't appear to have any real ability to get anything done
4. She doesn't stand for anything
5. Has the charisma of a salted slug
6. Has a voice which produces the same effect on farm animals as impending tornadoes, earthquakes and trips to the vet.


1. Ridiculous - give me one example of her supposed insincerity
2. What evidence to you have that she only stayed married for political reasons? Of course, there is none (most women would be applauded for working through things and avoiding divorce in an imperfect marriage), but you, like most Republicans jump to ridiculous conclusions for some inexplicable reason
3. Again, a ridiculous statement...she as more political capital than any of the other candidates, and is generally well thought of by her constituents in New York.
4. Knee-jerk reaction by a GOP myopian. Her platform is as principle-centered as anyone else's.
5. Okay, I'll give you this one, I guess.
6. Interestingly, you're not the first person to tell me tis about her voice.

This is exactly what I was referring to. Not a single one of Indy's complaints was issue-related. Aren't the issues the things that should determine our next president? Again, I'm not going to vote for Hillary, but this vitriolic venom constantly spewed about her seems way over the top, and fairly illogical.
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