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Old 01-15-2008, 08:43 PM   #55
Homo Erectus
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Originally Posted by il Padrino Ute View Post
Gore only exaggerates the facts? Interesting. He's a bald faced liar.

It's worse to make people think you know what the hell you're talking about, when in fact, you know you don't, which is exactly what Gore does. Those who you claim to ignore the facts - perhaps I'm one of them and if so, I have no problem with it because nobody like you will explain why, if global warming is a man made problem, is there proof that the earth has always gone through warming and cooling cycles? It would seem that it is the environmentalist crowd that sucks up to Al Gore who ignore the facts that the earth goes through cycles and we're in a warming cycle right now. Nothing can stop it or slow it down.
IPU - How is it that a lay person like yourself (I'm assuming you're not a climatologist), can conclude that the overwhelming majority of the scientific community is out to lunch with respect to global warming? Do you honestly think they've never considered the fact that the earth's climate is cyclical, and they failed to consider that fact when they developed their global warming analysis? You can always find a handful of scientists who will espouse a contrarian view, or worse, will sell-out to big business and outright lie (see "scientists" on big business payrolls testifying before congress that smoking tobacco isn't addictive or otherwise harmful to one's health). Perhaps I'm naive, but if the overwhelming majority of scientists espouse a certain theory, I'm thinking its probably got some merit.
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