Thread: "Worthiness"...
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Old 01-31-2008, 03:34 PM   #54
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I know it's dangerous to quote Mormon leaders / authoritative literature in these quarters, but...

"Only through sacrifice can we become worthy to live in the presence of God. Only through sacrifice can we enjoy eternal life. Many who have lived before us have sacrificed all they had. We must be willing to do the same if we would earn the rich reward they enjoy (see Joseph Smith, Lectures on Faith, p. 58)." - Gospel Principles, p.171
"God’s eternal purpose is for you to be successful in this mortal life. No matter how wicked the world becomes, you can earn that blessing. Seek and be attentive to the personal guidance given to you through the Holy Spirit. Continue to be worthy to receive it. Reach out to others who stumble and are perplexed, not certain of what path to follow." - Richard G. Scott, "How to Live Well amid Increasing Evil", Ensign, May 2004, p.100
"Those words sit next to my computer screen on a now-battered Post-it note. His counsel-make yourself able, worthy, and qualified-has great significance. To write the Church story, we have to merit the Lord's being with us, on our right hand and on our left. We can't expect his guidance and inspiration if we aren't worthy. We can't take his help for granted. Nor can we expect to be successful without it." - 1997 BYU Women’s Conference, p.323
"I bear witness of the power and comfort the gift of the Holy Ghost is to those who live worthy of it. What a reassurance it is for us to know that we are not left alone to find the course that we must follow to merit the eternal blessings of our Father in Heaven." - L. Tom Perry, “That Spirit Which Leadeth to Do Good”, Ensign, May 1997, p.68
"They taught us the importance of being kind to one another, obeying the commandments, and how to receive a fulness of joy and merit eternal life. They have pleaded with us to live more Christlike lives, to emulate the Savior in all we do, and to qualify ourselves to be worthy of the saving and exalting blessings available only in the holy temples of the Lord." - Robert D. Hales, Hear the Prophet’s Voice and Obey, Ensign, May 1995, p.15
"Not all of his children are worthy of celestial glory, and many are forced to suffer his wrath because of their transgressions, and this causes the Father and the whole heavens to have sorrow and to weep. The Lord works in accordance with natural law. Man must be redeemed according to law and his reward must be based on the law of justice. Because of this the Lord will not give unto men that which they do not merit, but shall reward all men according to their works." - Joseph Fielding Smith, Conference Report, April 1923, Third Day—Morning Session, p.137; cf. Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 3 vols., edited by Bruce R. McConkie, 2:, p.27
"Now, in order that we may bring and merit unto ourselves a complete exaltation, and he worthy to come back into the presence of our Father, there is a code of laws that we must live up to." - Jonathan C. Cutler., Conference Report, October 1918, Outdoor Meeting., p.96
"This mortal life is granted us that we may be schooled properly and trained through the plan of salvation to be worthy to become in very deed sons and daughters of God. Our Eternal Father would have every soul saved if that were feasible. Salvation, however, is based on merit and obedience to divine law and therefore is only obtained through compliance with divine commandments." - Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, 5 vols., 5:, p.82
"Very gladly would the Lord give to everyone eternal life, but since that blessing can come only on merit-through the faithful performance of duty-only those who are worthy shall receive it." - Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 3 vols., edited by Bruce R. McConkie, 2:, p.5
"The gift of the Holy Ghost grows with worthiness. If you are baptized when you are eight years old, of course you are a child, and there is much you would not be expected to know. But the Holy Ghost comes to you as you grow and learn and make yourselves worthy. It comes a little at a time as you merit it. And as your life is in harmony, you gradually receive the Holy Ghost in a great measure. (75-40)" - Spencer W. Kimball, The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, edited by Edward L. Kimball, p.114
And my favorite, to which Robert Millet once responded, "great quote!":

"[E]very man and woman will receive all that they are worthy of, and something thrown in perhaps on the score of the boundless charity of God. But who can justly expect to obtain more than they merit?" - Joseph F. Smith, Journal of Discourses, 26 vols., 20:, p.30
And then my second favorite:

“Always live in such a way that when you need the Lord’s blessings, you can call upon Him and receive them because you are worthy. There will come times in your life when you will need immediate blessings. You will need to live in such a way that they will be granted–not out of mercy but because you are worthy.” - Elaine Dalton, October 2006 Conference,,00.html
Let me pre-empt a silly response:

No, I'm not telling you all what you individually believe. I'm quoting your leaders.

Last edited by aaronshaf; 01-31-2008 at 03:39 PM.
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