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Old 02-04-2008, 11:15 PM   #3
Jeff Lebowski
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: In the heart of darkness (Provo)
Posts: 9,564
Jeff Lebowski is on a distinguished road

When I was in grad school in Texas I had a fellow student who was from Idaho. He and I used to fish together when we were undergrads at BYU. We found out that they stocked trout at a local spring with cool water (Barton Springs?) in Austin so went down with our trout gear to try our luck. While we were there the truck from the hatchery pulled up and dumped a load of small planters in the spring. We did "combat fishing" with the other folks for a while and caught a few of the poor little things. At one point we looked at each other and realized just how pathetic it was that we were fishing in the middle of a large city for freshly-planted six-inch trout and we starting laughing. Oh, how far we had fallen. We still joke about it from time to time.
"... the arc of the universe is long but it bends toward justice." Martin Luther King, Jr.
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