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Old 02-18-2008, 06:13 PM   #36
jay santos
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jay santos is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Adam View Post
I don't think Bronco likes the truly gifted 5 star recruits. He honestly prefers to win with walk-ons I think.

He was a walk on to Snow and then clawed his way to the top at Oregon. He was a no star HS guy. He relates to the less talented but more committed and more passionate players who are less heralded.

His whole playing philosophy is based on effort and execution. He really doesn't think he is winning because he has better athletes with more talent/skill then other teams. He is winning because his guys want it more and play harder and practice harder and because they are living right off the field. He would rather put out walk-on corners out on the field that are singing in his firesides and spending 8 hours a day all summer in the training facility then a 5 star recruit who can run and jump like Deion Sanders but who who doesn't really try all that hard to get to the ball when he sees an inside hand-off. I really believe this.

So while Bronco makes the obligatory call and visit to a 4 or 5 star LDS recruit, I think Bronco doesn't really care if they come--he actually honestly feels that way. I think his attitude is that the highly touted HS player will mainly be a distraction, a prima donna, a ball hog with a sense of entitlement. They have to prove themselves to be otherwise if they do come--so they start behind the curve in his dog house to a certain degree (to mix metaphors).

That is how I read him anyway. And I am ok with that. If he keeps winning, more and more of the top LDS recruits who want to life the gospel will want to come. But we are never going to get all of them because not all of them want to put in Bronco-pleasing effort and not all of them want to sing the night before the game. Good luck to them elsewhere.
This post summarizes my concerns about Bronco.

He's small-time. He was never a talented player. He never coached for great programs. Never been involved with NFL or BCS limelight.

He believes in his system. He's said before his system is more important than players. He doesn't recruit as hard as other top college coaches. He's never going to be a guy that flies all over, sitting in living rooms and selling himself and the program.

Maybe he can hire assistants to be that guy, and he can make a little bit more of an effort.

Right now, I am very concerned his attitude towards recruiting and refusal to schmooze and kiss a little high school ass to get what he wants is going to end up hurting the program.
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