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Old 02-22-2008, 04:24 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by SeattleUte View Post
Still, McConkie's statement totally deserves to be in the Top 10.

My biggest problem with the GAAB=Catholic Church viewpoint is it's ahistorical in the same way the Great Apostasy is. The Catholic Church is just the primary stuff of Western culture for most of the last 2000 years for better and worse. It's sad that a man as aged as Bruce R. McCaonkie was when he said what's quoted above was so ignorant as to not see that the Catholic Church was a but for cause for the good life that he lived. Yes, about myself, I can say that about Mormonism as well as the Catholic Church. McConkie's (and the rest of these gentlemen's) ignorance, their myopia, their historical chauvenism, is absolutely staggering.

And this is one of the primary evils of religion, and Mormonism may bee the biggest offender. All of these men were ill-bred, uneducated men. I challenge any one of you to go to the Vatican or visit the Gothic cathedrals in Northern Euope and do a serious study of the artwork including the stained glass and see if you can still be as dismissive as McConkie. If you could, I would feel sorry for you because it would mean you are clueless about what you are and where you came from.
Clearly the Catholic church has been, and still is, wrong about almost everything, but at least their leadership is generally very educated. It's easy to see why there are so many absurd statements coming from the 15 when their training is either poor or useful only for running a bureaucracy rather than knowledge of the world. There are exceptions to this, Holland perhaps being one, but it's a pretty big problem.
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