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Old 02-25-2008, 04:12 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by CJF View Post
The data is not exact. I'll grant you that. When you're dealing with over 750k calls, you're going to have some agent error in the dispositions. However, Dish and Direct to make a lot of their business decisions based on that data.
The data isn't worthless. Although there may be some errors in the collection, that isn't the real problem with using it to guess what those who didn't bother to call are thinking. It's that there is no way to know for sure if it accurately represents what's out there because it's not a random sampling of the audience. Self-selectors are often not representative of those who don't call. All you know is what that group thinks. There is also no way of knowing how many people care about the channel and didn't call. The only way to get a good reading on that would be to design a study using a random or as close to random sampling of the audience you can get, and ask them about the mtn. But that's really expensive and not worth the trouble, so they don't do it.
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