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Old 02-27-2008, 08:28 PM   #22
Jeff Lebowski
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: In the heart of darkness (Provo)
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Jeff Lebowski is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Dan View Post
Thank you for kind words, though that is not what I am seeking. I have never really interacted much with Seattle Ute, Solon and Triplet Daddy before, but I am sorry if you misunderstand tender words in the warped way you apparently saw them.

I am speaking of a cross-roads that many come to when they uncover too much LDS history. It is a crossroads that many try to straddle for a long time, but in the end they are normally forced to chose a direction out of the church or in the church.

This cross-roads comes at different ages for different people, it all depends on the timing of when they start making their discoveries. This cross-roads is a gut wrenching experience and can last for years. A number of you or a lot of you, I assume, know what I am talking about here. It appears to me that Adam is in the cross-roads cross-hairs. I gave a very brief description of how I found peace for myself in a way that allowed me to again find joy in the church and to focus on the real purpose of the church. Many people in this cross-roads choose differently, like a seattle ute or a Richard Dutcher or whoever, and they leave the church. Everyone has their choice.

Of course we all go through many cross-roads in life, but the one I am talking about specifically is that pertaining to the church after discovery of certain things related to the church. Too many people try to act in a manner that Adam is acting and in the big picture it is not their place to do so in that manner and if the behavior continues it leads people at that cross-roads out of the church. That is fine if it what he or anyone wants to do, and I will not lose any sleep over it. But I generally care enough for my spirit brothers and sisters that I am willing to extend a hand through words of encouragement, or whatever.

I am sorry if people completely miss my point and focus on something unintended (eg, Solon). And for someone who complains a lot about Nibley's brief and spotted review of Brody, seattle ute is quick to jump on board with a "review" of a simple post of mine of even lesser quality. Yes I know there was probably a bit of sarcasm and good natured fun in some of the responses, but Solon did not do justice to his namesake, that is for sure.
One quibble I have with your analysis is that it implies that Adam has made some recent discovery of troubling church history. If you truly have followed his posts over the long term, you will know that he has made a lifetime of research on church history and doctrine. He probably documents his arguments with actual quotes and references more than anyone on the board. From my perspective, I think Adam has served the church long and generously in spite of his "issues". Good for him.

I would also disagree on your description of him "steadying the ark" in a "public" fashion. We have no evidence whatsoever that he has done anything but rant on an anonymous message board.
"... the arc of the universe is long but it bends toward justice." Martin Luther King, Jr.
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