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Old 03-07-2008, 07:53 PM   #17
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BYUTexan is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by TripletDaddy View Post
I laugh when people get pissed off at such a deisgnation.

That thread was basically the conversations I hear in my office every week during college football season....minus me trying to convince everyone that BYU is not a mid major.

Here is the newsflash.....if you live outside of Utah, everyone views the Y and the U as a mid-major. Even the year when the U won in the Fiesta, the story was of a feel-good BCS buster, not a legitimate team that deserved to be mentioned in the same breath as the BCS elite that year.

I am fine with it. And it makes it sweeter when we beat those guys. Although it would be nice if we beat them more often....

But with conference affiliations aside? Would you call a program that is in the top 26 in attendance, has the facilities and funding as well as the tradition that we have a mid-major? Are we an elite program, not yet, but we are no longer middle of the pack anymore these past couple of years.
Does your mother work for UPS? ...cuz I could have sworn I saw her starring at my package.

The eyes of Texas are upon you Michael Reed (and David Nixon).
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