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Old 09-26-2005, 04:43 PM   #7
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Carlsbad, CA
Posts: 50
Default I'd like to see quicker boundary changes...

It seems that we like to hear that the number of wards has increased and love seeing new buildings go up but I'd like to see more dynamic wards where we are flexible and able to adjust boundaries quickly in order to accomodate the changes to a city. In vegas most members live on the outer boundaries. The wards closer to downtown are shrinking and the wards out in the new areas are expanding. So you have a lot of interesting issues created by this scenario.

I see a few solutions. One, that would be kind of cool in my opinion, would be to ask members to live close to buildings, especially temples. This would maintain the neighborhood and keep the schools relatively nice and the wards strong in that area. A good example is the Mesa Temple, which now resides in a bad area because the Mormons have abandoned the neighborhood. The problem comes up when it is time for high school and your kids are stuck going to Ghetto High School.

Another solution is to have regional church employees that make suggestions for stake and ward boundary changes. The wards could adjust quickly as needed.

Another is the long narrow wards that exist in some areas in order to combine families from different demographics and economic means. Here you have problems where the youth don't attend school with members of their ward but in most cases they learn to live with each other and become friends.
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