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Old 06-08-2006, 03:33 PM   #2
Jeff Lebowski
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: In the heart of darkness (Provo)
Posts: 9,564
Jeff Lebowski is on a distinguished road

Ah, good times. You wouldn't believe how many stories I have from scout camp. Here are a couple:

We did a backpacking trip in the Uintahs and our SPL was giddy with excitement on the way in. He loved to fish and we were going to a prime spot. The fishing ended up being outstanding that year, but the poor kid got homesick and spent the entire week in his tent. He would come out occasionally to throw up or go to the can, but that was about it. Then on Friday night he started to show some life since we were going home the next morning. We were having our Friday night campfire and my assistant says "Well, boys. We have an exciting announcement to make. Earlier today we found a spot where we could get cell phone reception and we had a chat with the bishop and he gave us permission to stay another three days. Woohoo!". It was a cruel trick, but we just couldn't resist. The poor kid looked like he just got kicked in the crotch. Just as the tears were about to come out we let him know that we were just kidding.

On another year, we had a kid eat all kinds of junk food on the way to camp. He literally ate his entire stash of candy on the first day (that's pretty common, actually). We put most of the scouts into a great big ten-man tent that night. At about 3 am, this scout stood up and did a projectile vomit over all of the other scouts (picture a rotating sprinkler head). Then as we were cleaning up, he kicked over a lantern and fried another scouts sleeping bag. I was pretty proud of my boys for not lynching the kid on the spot.

I could go on like this for days. Kids do the darnedest things. Have fun, Mike.
"... the arc of the universe is long but it bends toward justice." Martin Luther King, Jr.
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