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Old 05-29-2008, 01:57 PM   #10
Junior Member
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Oxcoug is on a distinguished road
Default Waters the fairly inartful Dodger

It's time for me to "crawl" back to CB because.... you're running from a challenge like a little child? That makes sense.

Your last thread was about the Palestinian "right of return". This one is about Israel as an "occupying nation." They are different threads.

So since Sooner (AKA Mudphud) gave me an explicit invite to come to CG (his words were that you needed another "intelligent" voice over here) I'll kick around the place occasionally until somebody shows they can make an argument on the substance of this question.

Again: until the Palestinians start living up to principles agreed on in the Oslo Accords (of which they have failed to deliver on almost every pt), stop attacking civilians, and stop teaching their children that Israel will not exist in the future and stop militarizing their children.

If they want a conversation, they start with those things. Israel has been ready for peace for a long time. The Palestinians proved they weren't ready for peace at Camp David in 2000 (give Dennis Ross "The Missing Peace" a read on that if you'd like to educate yourself).
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