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Old 06-04-2008, 03:01 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by DrumNFeather View Post
Is this a statement of fact or opinion? It seems to be presented as a statement of fact.

My opinion, is that Mormons believe they have a monopoly on Priesthood Authority, which is different from truth, but can certainly be considered an enabler of truth.

I don't know if it is still a standard part of the missionary lessons, but when I was a missionary, we flat out aknowledged that other churches had fragements of "truth." In saying so, we also aknowledged that this was because of the apostacy and that certain teachings and truths have been scattered or "lost." Recent conference talks have focused on the history of modern Christianity as well and how the christion/catholic doctrines and beliefs came to be...and by mostly factual evidence (Conference at Nicea etc...)

I would argue that much of what we (LDS) say is true is based more on the Priesthood authority that we believe has been restored than some kind of monopoly we are alleged to purport to have on truth.
Originally Posted by Indy Coug View Post
In order for us to have a monopoly on truth, for example, we would have to be the sole teachers of the doctrine that Jesus Christ is the Savior of mankind. We hardly have a monopoly on that item and many others.

More ridiculous hyperbole from Solon.
It's not hyperbole. Nor is it ridiculous.

D&C 1.30: "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth"

Believing that everyone has pieces, but only LDS have the "whole" truth is a monopoly on truth, and pretty smug, IMO. Hey, fine by me if people want to believe it. That's their prerogative. But they end up painting themselves into a corner by claiming facts, knowledge, and absolutes in realms of faith and belief.

Thanks for making it personal, Indy. You're the king of Pennsylvania.
I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free. - Epitaph of Nikos Kazantzakis (1883-1957)
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