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Old 06-16-2006, 05:04 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Robin
What can I say that hasn't already been said?

1st. Thank you for posting links to actual studies.
2nd. As others have pointed out, most of these studies examine differences between two parent homes vs. single parent homes, and make no claims about the sex of the parents...

3rd... except for the first study, which suggests that a child's biological parents are statistically best suited to raise a child. This obviously infers a mother and father situation. However, I think the results of the study can be read in several ways. Perhaps the results of the study suggest that children in families where the parents are deeply invested in the role of parenting produce better results than foster homes, homes where unwanted/unexpected orphans join the family, homes with unwanted stepchildren, etc. Since the study compares biological families to all of these other situations, I think the results are rather predictable. Since homosexual couples are not going to have biological children (at least gay male couples won't) the results don't really apply... the study doesn't say anything about adoption situations.

As an adopted child, with two parents who were deeply committed to their roles as parents, I can say this from personal experience -- I never had any reason to feel like I was not a full part of the family. Adoptive parents can be great, and I would assume homosexual parents could be just as good as any other parents... as least I haven't seen any science to suggest otherwise.
That's all fine. I think there is much work to be done on this issue as well. just giving you the other side of it which you seemed to be unaware of.
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