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Old 06-09-2008, 08:12 PM   #6
Lost Student
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Originally Posted by UtahDan View Post
I'm not rabidly anti-abortion. That is to say, I do not favor making it illegal. But on the moral side of it, I look at one of my children and ask myself how far do I need to go back in their development for it to be morally acceptable for me to kill them. I can't say there is a point where that seems okay to me, unless we are talking about a health of the mother issue. I don't make that judgment for others, which is why I don't favor any ban, but for me it is the shedding of innocent blood which is only okay if it is to save another (or during war).
I generally agree with your sentiment, but then if I really think about it, I have to ask myself, "how can I be okay with other people shedding innocent blood"?

Maybe I need to become more rabidly anti-abortion because when you get right down to it, is there anything more evil than snuffing out an innocent person's life? I know, I know, the argument is about whether a fetus is a "person".

Either way, thinking about the high number of abortions done makes me quite sad, especially when in the context of my own children, as you have already described.
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