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Old 06-09-2008, 10:19 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by UtahDan View Post
I'm not rabidly anti-abortion. That is to say, I do not favor making it illegal. But on the moral side of it, I look at one of my children and ask myself how far do I need to go back in their development for it to be morally acceptable for me to kill them. I can't say there is a point where that seems okay to me, unless we are talking about a health of the mother issue. I don't make that judgment for others, which is why I don't favor any ban, but for me it is the shedding of innocent blood which is only okay if it is to save another (or during war).
Despite what many would have you believe, most abortions are for convenience and have nothing to do with the health of the mother, fetus, or rape/incest. The one aspect that has really surprised since becoming a physician is the number of women who have had abortions for no medical reason. It's astonishing.

I'm with you in that I don't feel really comfortable with the government making a moral judgment in an area of so much disagreement, but it's really sad how many abortions are taking place for no other reason than the pregnancy is somewhat inconvenient. The problem I have with the pro-choice side of this is that they seem very resistant to any attempts to making abortion the least bit difficult. That bothers me a lot. This is a major decision, and it needs to be treated as such. Education, waiting periods, etc should be mandatory.
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