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Old 06-10-2008, 05:10 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by BigFatMeanie View Post
The Bishop should have veto power for reasons of a candidate's worthiness; however, aside from candidate worthiness the Bishop technically doesn't have priesthood stewardship over the Elders Quorum. Unfortunately, many Bishops in the church effectively emasculate their EQP by insisting (unrighteously, I think) that the Bishop gets who the Bishop wants in the internal EQ callings. Perhaps thats a principle that's being lost that you can address in your seminar?
That's a great point. Although when it comes to callings it gets a bit more complicated because the Bishop may have something else in mind for that person and/or not want them to be released from where they are at in another organization. For example, if you want to call a guy as your EQ Secretary who is currently a YM advisor, the Bishop would have "veto power" over that. This is not unlike a Bishop wanting to call Brother Smith as the YM President but Brother Smith is currently on the High Council and the Stake says no.

But leave callings out of it for a minute. I have seen a situation where the Bishop wanted to approved every home teaching assignment. This is wrong. Counseling with the Bishop about families, etc. is one thing. But at the end of the day, the Bishop's stewardship in this is whether a brother is worthy to be a Home Teacher.
Still fat ...
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