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Old 06-11-2008, 07:36 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by MikeWaters View Post
How about just 12 refs.

That would encompass the last 4 teams. And isn't usually the same guys reffing every year at the end?
Were there only 12 refs involved in the Conference Finals? I would think they'd want at least 6 teams of refs...and 7 would be even better.

I find the idea that a MINIMUM of 13 people involved in this sort of conspiracy, and it not getting out, to be very unlikely. Again, throwing a single game might be feasible, but even then it would probably come out.

No, Occam's Razor certainly applies in this case, and the simplest explanation is Human Failure. Conspiracy requires FAR too many unlikely assumptions.
"My days of not respecting you are certainly coming to a middle." -Malcolm Reynolds

"It doesn't mean that if we lose a game or when we lose a game people won't then jump on and say the quest is over. Because they will. But they've missed the point." -Bronco Mendenhall on "The Quest"
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