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Old 06-25-2008, 09:10 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by The_Tick View Post
Next month I start my 5th year as YM President. This year our budget is 1500 dollars. Highest budget in the ward. YW are next with 1200.

Last year our budget was 750. Bishop took 250 away from us in August. We did nothing from August on in Young Mens because of budget. Bishop understood and the parents were pissed.

I got a call from the Stake Presidency and the one in charge of scouting came and had a sit down with me because of some phone calls from parents.

We had...

0 treats at mutual
0 campouts
0 Merit Badges
0 Court of Honors

We did have clinics but didn't purchase any badges.

My wife and I make good money...but I told him I wasn't going to foot the bill and neither were any of my leaders or Scoutmasters. I told him I would be more than willing to take it out of my tithing as would my leaders. We were told that was strictly forbidden.

Sure enough...this year I submitted a proposed budget of 1200. Detailing every campout and merit badge that we would be working on. Also the amount we expected to spend for combined activities. Even detailed out for gas.

When budgets came out we recieved our 1200 allotment from the ward. And a 300 "bonus" from our Stake. When I asked why my Bishop told me that they were impressed with our lofty goals and willingness to put it down in a detailed matter on paper.

Will this help you? No idea. But I already pay 10%. I mentor boys without dads and I help them out with the needs their families have as far as the boys go. Cleats, sporting good stuff and all that. Not to mention the time.

No more from my pocket.
this won't happen because my YMP doesn't share your philosophy.

if I rebel, it will be a mini-rebellion. As in not taking my truck on campouts, only taking my sentra, and if there isn't enough space, well a parent is going to have to drive.
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