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Old 06-27-2008, 07:22 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by UtahDan View Post
I know that over the years we have heard many times about attacks that have been thwarted. We have also heard from the left that our presence in the Middle East has made the likelihood of attack dramatically higher, and they are right about this. I don't get the sense that Homeland Security the FBI and the CIA have been sitting around for the last seven years saying, geeze, thanks for the bigger budget but there just isn't really that much for us to do.

The argument you are making is like saying, you know I'm not really aware of anyone having tried to break into my house so I really got screwed when they convinced me to buy locks for the doors.

As for Obama, if he continues polices that are calculated to keep us safe, then he is entitled for credit when we remain safe. I don't think that you can credit a president too much or blame him much for anything at the end of his first month, but at the end of the first 6 months is a different story. I guess I'm just not sure how you are developing the notion that there just hasn't really been any true threat we have been combating domestically. I know that my friends in federal law enforcement tell me otherwise.
I can see your confusion with my inartful nature.

let me clarify...I am not saying W has done nothing to keep our country safe.

I am saying that, when compared to what all our other presidents have done, I dont think he has accomplished anything extraordinary that would merit special praise.

Just because he formed a cabinet position for Homeland Security doesnt mean Al Qaeda was ready to attack us again.

Your example of door locks....I can easily say that just because you put locks on your doors doesn't mean that someone was going to break into your house. I do not deny that having locks on your door provides a measure of comfort, though.

Kind of like all the gun nuts who have a gun next to their bed to protect their family from a non-existant attacker who, statistically speaking, will never come.
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