Thread: Cui Bono?
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Old 07-08-2008, 04:08 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Adam View Post
So much for men are that they might have joy. You believe God wants gay people to be miserable. I think that is horrible and horribly wrong. I just cannot believe the Father who loves us wants His homosexual children to live a live of sad, lonely pain.

Because, motivated by love, I would want my homosexual son to find a helpmate and live a full life of joy, I think our Father, motivated by love, would want this for his sons too.

Maybe that is the truest and most core statement on the subject that I have come up with in these discussions to pin down how I feel and why I disagree with the Church's stand on the issue.

There is something to be said for the peace that comes when choosing obedience, even when that obedience causes immense suffering and pain.

Would you counsel a person to refrain from being baptized if that would result in him being shunned by his family, his friends, and his culture? (I tihnk my answer may vary depending on the situation. There is no dobut that such a choice would cause immense pain, even though such a choice would bring the peace that follows obediently following the Savior. I'm sincerely interested to hear your answer here.)

What of the load that Christ promises to carry for those with extra heavy crosses? And carrying the load does not mean eliminating the loneliness or the anguish, I'm sure. But I think it means, at least it has in my experience with my crosses, that Christ assures us that there is purpose in carrying the load; that is, he gives hope.
"Now I say that I know the meaning of my life: 'To live for God, for my soul.' And this meaning, in spite of its clearness, is mysterious and marvelous. Such is the meaning of all existence." Levin, Anna Karenina, Part 8, Chapter 12

Last edited by Levin; 07-08-2008 at 04:12 AM.
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