Thread: About the wolf
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Old 07-09-2008, 11:28 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by creekster View Post
Sure: the feds stole it fair and square so who can complain. Of course you talk about the feds like it is a benevolent parent when it is really a sniveling deskmonkey who may or may not have his head where the sun is shining. Why shouldn't it be local? The house next door to me is owned by a guy who lives in saudia arabia (really). Thank goodness he delegated decision making to a local property manager or it would be a disaster dealing with the house and his tenants.

Sometimes persecution complezes arise from real persecution.
Pure tripe.

Shows how ignorant you are: the wolf recovery program was not conceived or implemented by snivelly bureaucrats, but by an increidbly large amalgam of groups and voices -- including many ranchers. This is public decisionmaking at its best. It's just that people like Landpoke can't stand -- it almost makes GoatNapper lose his taste for plastic -- the fact that other vested interests took part in the discussion. Interests who are no AWOL in some foreign land, but who have sunk a ton of resources, time, and energy into making the house beautiful.

Landpoke's no democrat -- he's an autocrat.
"Now I say that I know the meaning of my life: 'To live for God, for my soul.' And this meaning, in spite of its clearness, is mysterious and marvelous. Such is the meaning of all existence." Levin, Anna Karenina, Part 8, Chapter 12
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