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Old 07-26-2008, 04:46 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Cali Coug View Post
Republicans also believe wealth should be spread out "more evenly amongst all." The difference between them and Obama is one of degree. Nothing in the statement you cited above indicates that he wants all wealth equally distributed and all means of production owned by the government. He indicates he wants the wealth more evenly distributed, and all you hear is "Marxism."

The entire progressive tax system is one that advocates a more even distribution of wealth. The existence of welfare is as well, among many other aspects of our civilization. To take the leap that any advocacy for a more even distribution of wealth equates to Marxism is laughable.
This debate is useless.

Obama's speech was clearly one of general political rhetoric, not specific policy.

Those that are nitpicking are just annoyed that he gave a nice speech and that everyone cheered loudly for him.

People should be less concerned with Obama's speech and more concerned (and honest) about why our current sitting President doesn't enjoy anywhere near that sort of respect, love, or even passing interest abroad.

I was happy to see crowds of pro-US foreigners. I think Obama did a nice job with his speech. I doubt very highly that his speech will save the world and I doubt even more that it was a masked attempt to advocate a shift from capitalism. Attemps to deconstruct the speech are pointless. Wait until he gives a SOTU address and then we can talk.

And for those anti-socialists, again I ask did you enjoy those government subsidized student loans?

On a side note, and I mean this honestly....what the heck is McCain doing right now? Where is he? Why is he not doing high profile things to up his visibility?
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