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Old 08-03-2008, 07:46 AM   #40
Burning Bright
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 183
Burning Bright is on a distinguished road

I find this thread ironic because in my ward it's the opposite. My ward is in a pretty poor (some people less diplomatic than I would say "backward") area. I make OK money, but by ward standards, I do pretty good. I'm the YM 1st Counselor and the YM President has pretty much been out to lunch for the past 18 months.

I don't mind spending money on my calling. I figure I get blessings when I do. But my Bishop doesn't like me to spend my own money. I don't have the foggiest idea why. He told the YM President last year to talk to me about not paying for YM's stuff. I thought I was misunderstanding him so I talked to the Bishop and asked for clarification and, nope, for some reason, my bishop doesn't want me to.

Now, we're not talking vast sums of money, more like $100 a month, which really doesn't go that far. This year, I got tired of the YM Prez and Bishop always ragging on me when I submitted my receipts, that I decided to save them over several months and submit them all at once which I just did last week. For clarification, I submit the receipts for tax purposes so I can deduct charitable expenses, not for re-imbursement. Anyways, a day or two after I submitted them, the Bishop emailed me that he needed about 10 minutes to talk to me after priesthood. Hopefully it's about something else, but I suspect it's not. Unfortunately, I'm going to be out of town at a baby blessing, so I'll have to wait to find out what he wants.

He also doesn't want us to do fundraisers, even though we have a good one that has been succesful in the past. Maybe my Bishop thinks he's a monk and he took a vow of poverty, I don't know.

I'd have an easier time dealing with Mike's Bishop as that's a more normal experience that I can relate to. I do feel strongly that it's not the responsibility of anyone serving in the YM's program to finance it any more than any other ward member. If you want to, great. But for whatever reason, if you can't or prefer not to, I don't think you should be coerced.
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