Thread: Darron Smith
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Old 08-07-2008, 09:12 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by SeattleUte View Post
Let's see if we can get this thread back on track. Good job hijacking it, apologists.

Dan, I've never heard you express your conviction on the apologize for racism or not issue. Do you have a conviction? Should the LDS Church issue a full apology and repudiation of its racism and racial aparthied? Should it address and repudiate the kooky (mark of Ham) creationist dogma (ripped off from racist Northern European folk tales, and resurrected by the Confederacy in the lead up to the Civil War) that was cited by past prophets and apostles as the rationale?

If so, why? Is it for AA's in general? For LDS AA's? Or the venal or just plain ignorant LDS who say no apology is necessary or the racism was God's will or who just want the past to be swept under the rug and lied about?

Perhaps a more nuanced point: Does the racism in fact continue as there is no coming to terms with the past and the foregoing views remain dominant in the institution?

If you are opposed to a full apology and repudiation, why?
Why don't you have a look at what I have already said in this thread and see if that answers your question. What I have said here already should at least be as starting point before I answer that compound and prolix question.

Is there anyone here at this point who doesn't understand the argument you are making? Maybe you really just want to talk SU. But if you seeking converts, don't bother with me. I've internalized what you are saying and it ought to be obvious I'm anything but a mullah.
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