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Old 08-14-2008, 06:03 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by TripletDaddy View Post
With all the time and research going into these Prop 8 communications, I have noticed a suspicious absence of any data on the effect of homosexual marriage in Massachusetts...where it has been legal now for several years.

In fact, the only reference to Mass. has been the misleading adoption issue.

Does anybody know if, as some have claimed here and elsewhere, children in Mass public schools are now being indoctrinated with homosexuality? Has there been a rise of teens coming out of the closet? Has society in Mass. crumbled? What exactly has happened there that we can safely assume will also happen in California and elsewhere?
this was my thought as i read through this bulletin. I've been to Mass. since marrital rights were extended to all people, and i was there before.

i could tell no discrenible difference. then again, i guess i didn't go into their schools to hear all of the homosexual propoganda being shoved down the throats of the children that the bulletin predicts. that's a snide comment because i know that isn't what the church is really saying, but it's not far from the truth the church is arguing with this parade of horribles they have presented regarding the divine institution of marriage.

a good friend of mine who worked for the Catholic Charities, and they confirmed to me that ddd is right on the reason for them not doing adoptions.

also, i think that SU is right that the elephant in the room is not being addressed. the church is a bit passive aggressive with this issue - they talk about sin, but never come out and say that all of these homosexuals and lesbians are dirty sinners. that's what they want to say, but they also want to make statements about compassion and tolerance (watered way way way down, though)!

i don't think that any gay member of the church, or gay right's group, is seriously thinking that they can get the government to force gay temple marriages. that is absurd.

the parade of horribles argument is much too speculative for me and nothing in that letter has made me change my mind.

As for the letter from the First Presidency, here is a quote: "We ask that you do all you can to support the proposed constitutional amendment by donating of your means and time to assure that marriage in California is legally defined as being between a man and a woman. Our best efforts are required to preserve the sacred institution of marriage."

The use of the words "all you can" "to assure" "best efforts are required" make me think the church wants to mandate this effort, but just won't come out and say it.
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